Artboard 1
Contact – Göteborgs konstmuseum

Contact  the museum

Address for visitors and mail

Götaplatsen, 412 56 Göteborg

Gothenburg Museum of Art cannot be held responsible for unsolicited submitted material such as works of art and photographs.


Telephone: +46(0)31-368 35 00


To book a guided tour

E-mail your request to
or call +46(0)31 031-368 35 30, Tuesday-Friday 9.00 am to 10.30 am.

To book museum classes for schools

Go to the website where you will find our complete range of museum classes along with a booking form. The website is in Swedish but it´s possible to book the lessons presented in English. Please inform if you´d like to have the presentation in English when you make the booking.


Questions about artists and artworks

We can answer questions about art and artworks connected to the museum’s collection, but we are unfortunately unable to answer general or specific questions about artworks or artists outside of the collection. For questions regarding works in the collection, send an e-mail to

Questions about photos

For press photos, visit our press room at  MyNewsDesk

Photos of Works in the Collection

If you are interested in photos of works from the museum’s collection, you can order digital images from our photo archive. Feel free to contact us and we will help you find the image that you want.

Remember that photos of artworks are protected by copyright law (SFS 1960:729). The images may not be cut down or distorted in any way, neither in print nor in web publications. Captions and copyright information must always be provided.

More about copyright law: Bildupphovsrätt i Sverige 

Price list for orders from our digital archive: see pdf-link below.

For more information, contact Curator Eva Nygårds
Telephone: +46(0)31-368 35 03

Vacant positions

Unfortunately the City of Gothenburg cannot accept spontaneous applications. Every year, the council receives around a quarter of a million applications to vacant positions and therefore cannot handle applications over and above these. Instead, you are welcome to apply to vacant positions via the link below, where all vacant positions at the museum are published.

Find vacant positions


The Gothenburg Museum of Art receives a restricted number of interns from university programs in subjects that are relevant for the museum’s activities. Applications can be e-mailed to

Photography and Filming

If you want to take photographs or film in the museum building, you must have a permit from the museum. We accept requests from both private citizens and professional photographers and every request is assessed in consideration of the prevailing circumstances. In some cases, receiving a permit to take photographs or filming also entails that the museum takes a fee for its costs. We reserve the right to uphold a ban against photography or filming in certain exhibitions. To apply for a permit to take photographs or filming in the museum building, send a concise description of your project and its aim to

At the bottom of this page you will find a pdf with information about the rules for photography and filming when you have a permit.


Each year, the Gothenburg Museum of Art lends over a hundred works from its collection to museums in Sweden and abroad. Read more under LOANS or contact Curator Eva Nygårds
Telephone: +46(0)31-368 35 03

Long Term Loans

The Gothenburg Museum of Art lends or leases artworks, mainly to administrations or firms within the City of Gothenburg, but also to other public organizations and private companies.

The museum requires a written application for a long term loan. Please contact Long-Term Loans Coordinator Anna Petters. Send an e-mail to or call +46(0)31-368 35 34 for all questions regarding deposits.


The Gothenburg Museum of Art´s library has monographs of artists represented in the collection, exhibition catalogues and catalogues of various museum collections. The library is accessible to researchers, students, artists and other art enthusiasts. The books can only be read on site. Contact librarian Eva Ranglin, regarding visits or requests for books.


To reduce the risk for spam, full e-mail addresses are not written out below. Just add after the name written within the parentheses.


PATRIK STEORN (patrik.steorn) +46 (0)31-368 35 01
Museum Director

ANNA HYLTZE (anna.hyltze) +46(0)31-368 35 20
Deputy Head of Exhibitions and Collections

JANAN ZAPATA GUTIERREZ (janan.zapata.gutierrez) +46(0)31-368 35 05
Head of Visitor Experience

Visitor Experience

JANAN ZAPATA GUTIERREZ (janan.zapata.gutierrez) +46(0)31-368 35 05
Head of Visitor Experience

ELIN ENGSTRÖM (elin.engstrom) +46(0)31-368 35 10
Sales Assistant

SOFIA TRÖNNBERG (sofia.tronnberg) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Art Educator

FREDRIK VON ZWEIGBERGK (fredrik.von.zweigbergk) +46(0)31-368 35 10
Store Manager

LINDA NOREEN (linda.noreen) +46(0)31-368 31 57
Programme Coordinator

EMELIE ARENDORFF RUNNERSTRÖM (emelie.arendorff) +46(0)31-368 35 35
Art Educator

MOZO SOLOMON (gringgo.solomon) +46(0)31-368 35 09
Art Educator/Museum host

FREJA HOLMBERG (freja.holmberg) +46(0)31-368 35 24
Curator of Art Education

JONNA KIHLSTEN (jonna.kihlsten) +46(0)31 368 35 06
Art Educator

SAJNA SABBAGHPOUR (sajna.sabbaghpour) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host Coordinator – On leave

LINN CARLSON (linn.carlson) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host – On leave

JOEL MELKERSSON (joel.melkersson) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host

NIKLAS ISAKSSON (niklas.isaksson) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Sales Assistant – On leave

MARIE WALLGREN (marie.wallgren) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host

ANNA-LENA ÅSEMYR (anna-lena.veronica.asemyr) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Interim Museum host Coordinator

SERUSA KATABAMI (serusa.katabami) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host – On leave

FANNY CHAIYARACH (fanny.chaiyarach) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host

AMANDA BRÅLIDEN (amanda.braliden) +46(0)31-368 35 00
Museum host

Exhibitions and the Collection

ANNA HYLTZE (anna.hyltze) +46(0)31-368 35 20
Deputy Head of Exhibitions and Collections

PER DAHLSTRÖM (per.dahlstrom) +46(0)31-368 35 17
Curator Collection

JOHAN SJÖSTRÖM (johan.sjostrom) +46(0)31-368 35 08
Curator Exhibitions

EVA NYGÅRDS (eva.nygards) +46(0)31-368 35 03
Curator, Coordinator for Loans and Copyright Questions

KRISTOFFER ARVIDSSON (kristoffer.arvidsson) +46(0)31-368 35 29
Head of Research

KALLE VÄLJEMARK (kalle.valjemark) +46(0)31-368 35 19
Collection Registrar

TANJA AXELRYD (tanja.axelryd) +46(0)31-368 36 48
Exhibition Coordinator 

MIRIAM HAGSTRÖM (miriam.2.hagstrom) +46(0)31-368 77 62
Interim Exhibition Coordinator

MOMIR POPOVIC (momir.popovic) +46(0)-31 368 35 18

MALIN BORIN (malin.borin) +46(0)31-368 35 21
Conservator Painting

MARIATERESA PULLANO (mariateresa.pullano) +46(0)31-368 35 23
Conservator Works on Paper

PETRA VICTOR (petra.victor) +46(0)31-368 35 22
Conservator Painting

VICTORIA SKALLEBERG (victoria.skalleberg) +46(0)31-368 35 36
Conservator Works on Paper – On leave

AMANDA NYAGAKE MWITA (amanda.nyagake.mwita)  +46(0)31-368 35 36
Conservator Works on Paper

HOSSEIN SEHATLOU (hossein.sehatlou) +46(0)31-368 35 14

EVA RANGLIN (eva.ranglin) +46(0)31 368 34 24

JAMES DUFFY (james.duffy) +46(0)31-368 35 15
Coordinating Technician

CLIVE LEAVER +46(0)31-368 35 16

ANNA PETTERS (anna.petters) +46(0)31-368 35 34
Technician, Long-Term Loans Coordinator

EMIL NILSSON (emil.nilsson) +46(0)31-368 35 13
Technician – On leave

URMO TEEKIVI (urmo.teekivi) +46(0)31-368 35 13

Communication, Marketing, Press and other Media

JOEL WOLTER (joel.wolter) +46(0)31-368 35 37
Head of Communication and Marketing

MALIN OPPERUD (malin.opperud) +46(0)31-368 35 28
Communications Officer/Press Officer – On leave

KLARA KÄLL (klara.kall) +46(0)31-368 31 64
Communications Officer

ISA ANDERSSON (isa.andersson) +46(0)31-368 31 60
Press Officer

MALIN GUSTAFSSON (malin.gustafsson)
Communications Officer +46(0)31-368 35 39

Premises and Development

PONTUS FORSLUND (pontus.forslund) +46(0)31-368 36 61
Head of Premises and Development

DANIEL LANDAHL (daniel.landahl) +46(0)705-48 81 01
Coordinator for Premises and Security

Economy and Administration

SARA TEIKE (sara.teike) +46(0)31-368 35 51
Head of Economy och Administration

ANETTE STENSTRAND (anette.stenstrand) +46(0)31-368 32 06

HELENA KARLSSON (helena.karlsson) +46(0)31-368 35 04

Regulations regarding photographing and filming at the Gothenburg Museum of Art
Regulations regarding photographing and filming at the Gothenburg Museum of Art
Price list for image orders Gothenburg Museum of Art
Price list for image orders Gothenburg Museum of Art