Artboard 1
Loans – Göteborgs konstmuseum

Collaborations with International Museums

Every year, the Gothenburg Museum of Art lends over a hundred works from its collection to museums in Sweden and abroad. Thanks to a large network of contacts with other museums, the Gothenburg Museum of Art can share its collection with a broader audience and at the same time attract art lovers to Gothenburg. The collaboration with international museums also makes it possible to borrow artworks from museums around the world and show them to the inhabitants of Gothenburg and other visitors to the museum.

Many of the artworks in the collection have travelled all over the world, from Paris and London to Tokyo and New York.

For Museums

To apply for a loan

The loan application should be sent as a letter to Museum Director Patrik Steorn or via e-mail to Curator Eva Nygårds at When applying via e-mail, attach the loan application as a pdf. The application should be sent at least nine months prior to the opening of the exhibition and should specify the following:

  • Loan period and exhibition title
  • Description of the exhibition concept
  • Motivation for the loan
  • List of artworks in question, preferably with their Gothenburg Museum of Art (GKM) inventory numbers
  • Standard facility reports (security and climate reports) for museums that are borrowing artworks from the museum’s collection for the first time.

Before and during the renovation and extension of the Gothenburg Museum of Art

The Gothenburg Museum of Art will undergo renovation and expansion starting in 2027. Preparatory work for the closure has already begun, and as a result, the museum will be more restrictive regarding loan requests.


The fee for administration is currently 1 600 SEK per artwork within Sweden, and 2 700 SEK per artwork for international loans. Over and above are added costs for packing, and a crate if necessary. The borrower covers all costs directly connected to the loan.

Processing Time and Guidelines for Loans

The museum aims to process incoming loan applications as quickly as possible. However, for various reasons there is sometimes a delay of a few months before the museum can give a definite answer to an application. Loan meetings take place around ten times per year.

The following factors can limit the possibilities for a loan:

  • The condition of the artwork
  • The artwork is already included in other exhibition projects
  • The borrower cannot meet security and climate requirements
  • The artwork has a central placement in the permanent collection of the Gothenburg Museum of Art

In general, the Gothenburg Museum of Art takes a positive view on applications regarding large monographic exhibitions, or thematic exhibitions that generate new knowledge in the field of art history.

For more information, see the pdf-document Conditions for Loans from the Collection of the Gothenburg Museum of Art.

Questions regarding loans can be directed to curator Eva Nygårds
Telephone: +46(0)31-368 35 03

Loan Conditions for International Lenders Gothenburg Museum of Art
Loan Conditions for International Lenders Gothenburg Museum of Art